June 9, 2014

Cancer – Do You Know the Stats & How Can You Improve Yours?

Health, Nutrition



In this episode:

Stephen Gray from the talks about:

  • A lot of people fear cancer and think they are helpless against it
  • Nutritional strategies to minimize development of cancer
  • Cancer stats are frightening
  • There are a lot of things you can do



Hi. This is Stephen from

A lot of People Fear Getting Cancer

Today, I’m going to be talking about something that’s very emotional, and that is cancer. Now, there’s a really big reason that I wanted to talk about such a big emotional topic such as cancer. Because it is actually everyone’s or the average person’s number one fear. Lots of people, 38% of people actually fear getting cancer. And I think a lot of people feel helpless in that they can’t do anything to avoid this.

Nutritional Strategies to Minimize Development of Cancer

Now, this isn’t actually the case and we’re actually going to be talking – this is going to be a series of videos. We’re going to be talking about a number of different things you can do to actually try and help minimize and do the best you can to minimize the risk of you developing cancer. And if you actually know anyone that is actually going through it at this moment, then also hopefully, we’ll be able to give a few certainly nutritional strategies that you can actually employ to kind of increase the ability for your body to recover.

The Stats are Frightening

Now, some of the stats are actually quite frightening. Actually, one in two men are actually going to be shown to actually get some form of cancer in their lifetime and one in three women are actually going to get cancer in their lifetime.

There Are a Lot of Things You Can Do

Now I don’t want us to be doomed in gloom because there are lots of things that you can do, and we’re going to talk about things, some of the pro-cancer things that most people actually do do that they don’t realize they’re doing that you can actually avoid. So, look for the rest of these videos.

This is Stephen from

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