November 24, 2015

How Long Should You Exercise For?


Are-you-just-making-friends We have trained at many gyms over the years and have seen lots of friendships blossom…

Unfortunately the results people get are not as good as the conversations they have!

How long are you in the gym for and how long are you actually exercising for?

In this video, you will learn:

  • The optimal time to exercise
  • After 42 minutes, your cortisol increases and your testosterone starts to drop
  • You’re probably talking and not exercising if you’re in the gym longer than an hour


Mark:  Hi! This is Mark and Steve from,

And today, I’ve got a little accountability tip.

How long are you in the gym for and how long are you actually exercising for? The optimal time to exercise is about 42 minutes.

That’s when your testosterone hits the peak and your cortisol is starting to rise. So as that 42 minutes crosses over, your cortisol actually goes too high and your testosterone starts to drop. 

So you don’t really want to be exercising for longer. And if you’re in the gym for an hour, an hour-and-a-half, two hours, we can pretty much guarantee that you’re talking and not exercising.

So have a quick look. See how long you’re actually exercising for next time.

And be sure to get all your socializing done before or after the gym.

This is Mark and Steve from


Do you feel intimidated by normal gyms?

The big box impersonal gyms leave you feeling awkward, and lacking motivation to lose weight and get fit.

The Training Gyms is for men and women who want to lose weight, get fit but don't want to do it in a normal big box gym.

We know it's important. We just don't know where to start.




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