January 24, 2017

Do You Drink Lucozade? Here is why you probably shouldn’t…

Health, Fitness

Milton-Keynes-Bootcamp-Fizzy-DrinksIt helps you run longer right? Well thats what all the ad companies say anyway…But are the telling the truth?

Do you actually know what is in this sticky orange liquid!?

It was actually quite shocking when i looked into it so felt it only fair to show you!

In this video, you will learn:

  • A lot is said about the supposed benefits of Lucozade and other fizzy drinks..But whats the truth?
  • A bottle of Lucozade is equivalent to two packs of Bassett’s Jelly Babies
  • It’s widely thought that fizzy drinks are one of the major reasons for the obesity epidemic
  • A healthier alternative to fizzy drinks is sparkling water with fresh lime


Mark Gray:  Hi! This is Mark from, the place to be to lose fat and increase your muscle tone. Today, I’m going to be talking about Lucozade, that well known sports and health drink.

So, I’m sure you’ve drunk it. But once again, we’re told by the ad companies that if we want to run longer or be fitter, we should make sure we’re drinking their sports magic drink.

People seem to like my graphical demonstrations so I thought I’d actually show you what is in a bottle of Lucozade. That is two. So two packs of Bassett’s Jelly Babies. The equivalent of two packs of Bassett’s Jelly Babies sugar, which is 64 grams, which is – I’ve measured this out earlier – it is 15, 30, 45, 60, and then a little bit more grams of sugar.

Now I’m sure you’ve given your children these drinks or had them yourselves, and it’s becoming more and more widely thought that actually Lucozade and fizzy drinks are one of the major reasons for the obesity epidemic.

So here’s a much better and healthier option for you and your children to drink. Simply get some sparkling water and squeeze some fresh lime in it. You can even bottle it up and leave it in the fridge, and then your children will actually think it’s a fizzy drink.

Believe me though. If you drink these fizzy drinks like Glucozade and Ribena or things like that regularly, you’re going to be struggling to lose weight. And actually, you’ll probably increase weight.

Do you drink these drinks? Let me know. As always, the best discussions happen over at  So get there and leave a comment now. Do you like this video? If so, subscribe and share it with your friends.

And if you want even more great resources to create the body that you want, and the opportunity to download a free chapter of our book, The Weight Loss Cure, go over to and subscribe to our emails. Thanks for watching and we’ll catch you next time on The DoubleVision Conditioning Centre TV.

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