September 14, 2014

Top 5 Habits Our Clients Have That Helps Them Lose Weight

Case Study, Weight loss

We are often asked what are the components that make for a great client Transformation. As we have been doing this for quite a long time, we have been able to distil downl what we feel are the traits of the clients who achieve really great transformations. This isn't always in terms of weight loss of course. Many of our clients achieve much more than can be measured on a scale, or put in a graph. However their general "habits" remain constant.

high-protein-low-fat-foods1) They have breakfast

When you have a high protein and high healthy fat breakfast, it's been shown that you are less likely to overeat for the rest of the day. It sets up your what's called your neurotransmitters (brain function), for the whole day and means that you can make better food choices and are more effective at work. You will not suffer from an insulin dip or a sugar craving.

2) They don't dwell on their past

If in the past they have struggled to lose weight or they have tried to lose weight and not actually succeeded, they don't dwell on that and they don't assume because they haven't succeeded in the past that they re not going to succeed now. They look at the future in a positive way.

3) They are consistent

The third point that we ve noticed that our clients have is consistency. It might not be that somebody is able to exercise four to five times a week every week for 52 weeks of the year but they exercise consistently. This means that they come back from holiday,  and they get straight back into exercise. If they are ill, they miss some days of exercise but they get straight back into it as soon as they are able. They don't let these small derailments completely stop their habit of exercise.

4) They exercise three to five times a week 

Often people will think that they can exercise seven days a week for one week and then once a week the following week. We have found three to five sessions a week is the optimal number of consistent sessions for clients that make significant transformations.


Do you feel intimidated by normal gyms?

The big box impersonal gyms leave you feeling awkward, and lacking motivation to lose weight and get fit.

The Training Gyms is for men and women who want to lose weight, get fit but don't want to do it in a normal big box gym.

We know it's important. We just don't know where to start.




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