August 4, 2014

This Is How NOT To Give Yourself A Flat Stomach


This-is-how-NOT-to-give-yourself-a-flat-stomachI bet you have used one of these machines in a gym…You may have even got one at your home.

My father did.

But here is the truth behind the multi million pound industry of Ab Rollers. I think you will find it interesting… 



Mark:   Hi. This is Mark from The DoubleVision Conditioning Centre and you’re watching the TheDVCC TV. Now, today I’m going to dispel a myth. It is January time, the new year and a lot of people are trying to get fit and you see lots of adverts on TV and one of the adverts I’ve seen recently is for one of these contraptions.

Now, it looks a little strange and actually it’s been for a few while or for a while. I remember my father getting one, which must be, distressingly, maybe about 18 years ago and I remember him doing hundreds of abdominal crunches. And I mean hundreds. Now, unfortunately, he didn’t ever get a six-pack, although he was in very good shape.

I wanted to dispel this myth because this is still in many gyms and you’ll actually find it’s not in any of the DoubleVision Conditioning Centres and that is because it is pretty much useless.

Now, just to show how much I don’t know about it or not, not know about it, how I don’t know how to use it. Actually, I started using it the wrong way around. However, people lie in here and they do hundreds and hundreds of abdominal crunches. Now, oh my gosh, it’s hard getting in and out of. You’ll find that you can do hundreds. But if I got you to do proper abdominal exercises with good tempo and resistance, you would not be able to do past 20 and, or even less.

And that’s because you’re contracting your muscle fully. This is just an aid, it doesn’t … It basically allows you to take the strain off your stomach, your feme I see people’s hands, their knuckles going white as they’re gripping on, pushing on with their elbows. You’re putting, you’re taking all of the stress off your stomach, which is, obviously, the opposite of what you want to be doing.

And also, it holds you into one plane of motion, the plane of motion up and down. And you’ll find that you want to be taxing your muscles in different angles and if you don’t have this machine, you’ll naturally … You’re never going to go up and down in the same plane of motion. You’re going to naturally be moving around slightly and that’s taxing your abdominal muscles correctly and differently which stimulates the muscle tone increase. Okay?

So, basically, what I would suggest is you disregard, get rid of this piece of equipment or stay away from it from the gym and do normal and, or proper free abdominal crunches. So, this is Mark from the TheDVCC TV. As always, the conversation continues over at the So, go there and leave a comment now. Until next time, I look forward to seeing you.

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