August 4, 2014

How To Fix Your Shoulder Pain…From Home



Shoulder pain can be really dehabilitating and cause you to a struggle to lose weight and perhaps even live comfortably.

Follow this short routine to fix your shoulder and banish the pain!! Mark had a lot of experience with rehabbing, after undergoing surgery on his own shoulder caused by an old rugby injury.



Mark:   Hi. I’m Mark from The DoubleVision Conditioning Centre. A place to be, to lose fat and increase your muscle tone. Now today, I’m lying on the floor because I’m going to show you how to make your shoulders pain free. So a lot of people suffer from shoulder injuries and shoulder injuries and rehabilitation goes come close to my heart personally because obviously or if you watched the previous episode, you’ll see that I had a shoulder operation not that long ago. And I’ve used a pain free shoulder system and other protocols that we have at the DVCC to help rehabilitate me. And it made massive difference to me because I’ve been able to get back to pretty much full health and much, much, much quicker than was expected.

I’ve actually got a cousin who had a very, well actually the same operation as I and he wasn’t able to get back for about three months longer than I took. And so guys and ladies that enjoy exercising or exercise to lose weight, if you can speed the process of rehabilitation up and much more your, it’s only going to be beneficial. So I’m going to show you three exercises that are going to help make you pain free in your shoulders. The first one is called an injury free shield. Get on the floor by your ear, in one ear and going to raise up and you’re going to hold it for 30 seconds.

Now to start with, you’re not going to have any weight. You’re just going to hold it there for 30 seconds. Now only, at least my left shoulder that sores so it is your left, the bad shoulder, start with. You’re going to hold that for 30 seconds. Once you’ve done that, you’re going into what’s called YTWs. Now, thumbs to the sky, raise up, hold for a second or two. Out the side, hold for a second or two and then back hold for a second or two. Now you’re going to repeat that six times and at the side and then back, that is a repetition. So we’ve done two repetitions there. So you’re going to do the end at the side then the YTWs and then what you’re doing next is only the as you’re doing three exercises is called a capsule stretch.

So bad arm, bad shoulder, on your side and just generally slight resistance go to where you feel the stretch and where just before pain basically, you don’t want pain but you want to feel a slight stretch. And you’ll find it, you’ll actually be able to improve and get better. And if I look at my fix base on that side compared to my good shoulder, you’ll see that it’s better on my good side. But my aim is basically to get the not so great side in line or at the same as the good side. Now, you’re going to do those three exercises and what you find is actually weaker, the muscle the more often you can exercise.

So one of the tricks for my rehabilitation and for yours is you can do that twice a day please. I mean those three exercises, it will take you less than 10 minutes and its going to make a massive difference to speed up with your shoulder becomes pain free. So let me know if you have any questions on any of these exercises. Give them a go and as always the conversation continues over at So go there now and leave a comment. As always, I look forward to hearing from you, this is Mark from the DVCC. Bye-bye.


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