June 6, 2014

Salt is Bad For You…FALSE




In this episode:

Mark Gray from the DoubleVision Conditioning Centre talks about:

  •  Salt isn’t bad for you
  •  You want to have colored salt
  • You lose salt throughout the day when you sweat
  •  You need to replenish your body’s salt supply




Hi! This is Mark from

Salt Isn’t Bad For You
In today’s video, I’m going to tell you why salt is not, in fact, bad. So, a lot of people tell you you need to either reduce your salt or limit your salt because you don’t want too much of it. Now this is incorrect.

You Want to Have Colored Salt
Basically, as long as you’re getting the right kind of salt, and that is salt which is colored. You don’t want white salt. And if you look in health food stores, you’ll find that there is salt that is colored. And this is because it’s in its natural state. Actually, to have white salt, they bleach it, I believe, and that kind of removes a lot of its goodness.

You Lose Salt Throughout the Day
But, throughout the day you lose salt. When you sweat, you lose salt from your body. And the salt thought that too much good salt is bad for you is actually done from very, very weak research. So, because you’re losing salt, you need to replenish it with good salt, and that is, like I say, from the colored variety.

Replenish Your Body’s Salt Supply
So go to your whole foods store, pick it up, and then just use it as normal over your food, and you’ll be sure to be replenishing your salt supply in your body. So let me know if you think this is true.

This is Mark

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