October 17, 2014

How Quickly Should I See Weight Loss?

Nutrition, Weight loss

cant-lose-weight-resizedThis is a very interesting question, as many people have completely inflated or incorrect views about how much body fat they should be able to lose in a certain amount of time.

The healthy amount to be able to lose, on average for most people, would be 0.7 lbs of fat a week – this equals just under 2.5 stone of body fat in a year.

We are not talking about water, muscle or weight loss; this is fat loss, i.e. the visible fat stored subcutaneously on your body and also the visceral fat which is invisible, but the most dangerous form of fat as it is stored around your vital orgnans.

A lot of people really misconstrue the facts and have completely inaccurate ideas about how much they should lose.

As a result of this, they never actually lose the amount they want to, because they are frustrated with the speed, or the apparent lack of speed, of their weight loss.

Remember, when we are talking about fat loss, we are talking about pure fat, so you should lose 0.7 lbs of pure fat a week.

A fat loss of 2.5 stone in one year is massively life changing and health changing and will extend your life span significantly, probably giving you in excess of ten years extra healthy living.


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