March 18, 2017

How often should you consume foods which are high in salt, sugar and fat?

Salt, sugar and fat are ingredients that you will find in the majority, if not all prepared and processed foods, its no surprise or secret.

You'd only need to look as far as the nutritional content label on the packet to find out how much sugar and salt your feeding yourself, however I would be interested to know how many people spend their time reading the back of their pasta salad while on a 15 minute break between meetings. Id guess it would be a pretty low number. 

Wouldn't it be easier if you could pick up some food on the go and know that you could eat that day in, day out or as more of a treat and not so often?

Until very recently there was literally no guidance offered from companies on how often you should consume their products, again no surprises, as this would likely lead to a reduction in profits.

Imagine Coca Cola started printing "35 grams of sugar included" in large print under their logo. It wouldn't stop everybody drinking it, but I think they would see a decline in the amount they sell.

Making A Change

One company has come forward and mentioned that some of their foods are higher in salt, sugar or fat to "maintain the authentic taste of their products" and that they would "distinguish between everyday and occasional items on packs and websites. 

This is a huge move in the world of food packaging! 


Recommended Daily Intake

Adults are recommended to have 70g fat per day, 20g of saturated fat, 90 grams of sugar and 6 grams of salt. However, the lower your sugar and salt consumption the better for your health. 

Having more guidance on how often you should consume these foods can only be a good thing in the long term and will help you to distinguish what foods you can eat on a daily basis and which you should consume less frequently. 

Cheat Meal Frequency

At the DVCC we recommend having 5% of your meals as a reset meal / cheat meal if you are training and eating for fat loss. This doesn't mean you have to eat like a rabbit for the 95% of your life. It simply means that you should avoid processed foods as much as possible. Try to create your food from scratch, that way you know exactly what is in your food.


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