November 24, 2015

A Quick Home AB Routine



Its that time again…Flat Belly Friday!

Here we go, it’s time for another great routine that you can do to flatten your abs and increase the muscle tone in your stomach either at home, at work or in a hotel.

Wherever you are, now there’s no excuses..

In this video, you will learn:

  • Three exercises to tone your stomach
  • The exact repetitions you need to do to flatten your stomach



Mark Gray:  Hi! This is Mark and Steve from, the place to be if you want to lose fat and increase your muscle tone. Now, it is Flat Belly Friday! DVCC Flat Belly Friday. And we’ve got another great routine that you can do to flatten your abs and increase your muscle tone in your stomach either at home, at work or in a hotel. Wherever you’re at.

So, Stephen is going to be my handy demonstrator. We’ve got three exercises for you today. So they’re put in a specific way to get the best results. All you need to do though is follow along with them at home.

Stephen is going to demonstrate the first exercise. We actually use this as a mobility exercise at the beginning of some sessions, but if you do it for a prolonged period of time, you’ll actually find that it’s brilliant at using your Obliques – the muscles around the side of your stomach – but also the main – it’s called Rectus Abdominis – the main part of your stomach.

Stephen is going to keep going. He’s going to be doing 30. That’s about 15 on each side. So he’s going to keep going side to side. You see he’s under control. He doesn’t let it touch the floor or his knees touch the floor.

He adjusts before and he’s rolling over. And I can feel his stomach almost working here. That’s it. He doesn’t let it touch the floor. He keeps under control with his feet and his knees at 90 degrees. So he’s going to do 30 here. I think he’s probably done about 2, so we’ll keep going for a little bit.

And straight from this exercise, he’s going to go into another exercise, which is called the “Reverse Curl.” Now, he wants to turn his palms up. You see that his palms are turned up because he can’t use them or use his arms then.

All he’s going to do is legs basically straight, he’s bringing his bum and his legs off the floor because he’s controlling it down. He uses his stomach on the way up, but also on the way down, more importantly, and he controls it on the way down.

Now, you’re only going to do 12 repetitions on this. So you’ve done 30 total on the side-to-side. Then you’re doing 12 repetitions on this. Make another 4 please, Stephen. Just demonstrate. Thank you. That’s it. Keep breathing. You’re allowed to breathe as well. Extend his legs up and then control it down.

From this exercise, he’s going to go straight into Side Reaches. So, his feet at 90 degrees on the floor, flat on the floor, he’s going to curl his body, his upper body, his shoulders off the floor, and he’s simply going to reach for either side of his foot.

So either foot, basically, he’s reaching, but the whole point with this is he’s contracted all the time. So he’s not relaxed on the floor, and then doing it. Because that would relax off your stomach. He’s going to keep his shoulders off the floor, contract and just reach and reach.

So the same deal here. He’s going to be doing 30 total. So that’s 15 each side. So that would count. Keep going, Stephen, please. Keep going. Curl up. There we go. Across, across. So he’d be doing 30 total repetitions.

Then, he’s going to rest 2 minutes. Okay? He’s going to do all of those exercises back-to-back, one after the other. Then he’s going to rest 2 minutes. And you’ll probably see he needs it. He’s heavy breathing over here and he only did half the number of reps. So, you’re going to repeat the whole thing 4 to 5 times.

Now, this can be pretty tough. It will really work your stomach and you might find that over the next few days, you have a tender stomach. But that’s a good thing. So don’t worry about it.

It might even hurt to laugh. So, give it a shot. Let us know how you get on and comment in the box below. Once again, this is Mark and Stephen from!

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