March 8, 2016

See Lucy's Weight Loss Story. On Her Own Words..

Health, Case Study, Nutrition


I think from the photo you can see how much energy and enthusiasm Lucy brings to DVCC Milton Keynes. She always has a smile and some "banter", and also has had amazing results. Check out "her story" below to see what methods she has used to *lose over 27lbs (now).


I am 27 years old, working for Mercedes-Benz (sitting at a desk!) I 've been a member for 8 months, and I've lost 26.9lbs of fat and gained 8lbs of muscle.

I've always struggled with my weight but I came back from 16 months of travelling and the little bit of weight I had *lost started to creep back on. I knew it was time to do something but I'd failed at every weight *loss programme that I'd ever tried. I've finally found something that I love, training regularly is my motivation to eat well.

What Were You Worries Before You Started?

My main was concern was failing, it had happened so often in the past. My mum started at DVCC and had great results; she inspired me to join. The first session was hard; I think I went into shock.

Even though I was hurting I couldn't wait to get back in the DVCC! Seeing the changes in my body keep me motivated. Those moments when you notice new definition or you get in the dress that's been in wardrobe for years keep me going. I've never felt stronger and fitter.


How Do You Fit DVCC Into Your Lifestyle?

Initially fitting it into my *life was challenging as it does require hard work and commitment but now it has become my lifestyle. I never consider it a chore; I look forward to sweating out the stress of the day in every session.

The nutrition side of things is my biggest challenge but when you work so hard to get rid of the fat you don't want to put it back on!

The best tip I could give is to focus on your goal; find whatever it is that inspires you and focus on that when you hurt in the gym or when you're faced with temptation.

What Are Your Future Goals?

I'm looking forward to feeling amazing in my bridesmaids dress in April!

What advice would you give to someone who was in your situation before DVCC 

Just try it; you've got nothing but pounds to *lose!

If you want it, fight for it. (I say that over and over in my head when I'm pushing the sandbag).


Do you feel intimidated by normal gyms?

The big box impersonal gyms leave you feeling awkward, and lacking motivation to lose weight and get fit.

The Training Gyms is for men and women who want to lose weight, get fit but don't want to do it in a normal big box gym.

We know it's important. We just don't know where to start.




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