March 18, 2017

Why Increasing Your Protein Intake Will Help You CURB Your Cravings

Nutrition, Weight loss

eating-protein-how-much-do-you-needEating protein with every meal has ALWAYS been associated with muscle tone gain. It also helps you to loose body fat and keep cravings at bay.

There has been plenty of research that shows that eating protein with every meal will help you too lose fat and importantly, be able to sustain that fat loss.

When you eat protein it has a thermogenic effect on the body. This positively affects weight loss. The more protein you eat (within reason, you don't need to go over board) the more energy the body uses to process amino acids into tissue.

Amino acids are what protein is broken down into in the body.

So by increasing and eating more protein on a regular basis you will burn more calories on a day to day basis. Which can't be bad right?

Also by eating protein with every meal you will be able to keep hunger at bay and you will naturally eat fewer calories as a result....This is because when you eat protein your body sends signals to the brain to indicate that you are full which will keep you from over eating.

This is called the satiating effect.

This is not the case with carbohydrates or sweet or salty foods. Your body doesn't send the same signals to the brain telling you that you are full. Infact it does the opposite telling you to eat more.

Ever eaten a small amount of sweet food, only to find yourself 20 minutes later devouring everything in site!?

I know I have! its because your body isn't sending the signals to the brain to stop you eating.

On a side note it takes your brain about 20 minutes to receive signals about how full you are...So if you are ever in an eating contest, get as much eaten in the first 20 minutes!!

Protein rich meals will raise a hormone called leptin and decreases gherlin (pronounced Grelin). Gherlin is a hunger stimulating hormone which needs to be controlled accordingly to maintain fat loss and keep hunger at bay.

Leptin does the opposite, and therefore you want this hormone to be stimulated, it helps to increase fat burning within the body and helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Protein also helps you to manage your blood sugar levels and manage insulin. Which is important to keep in check when actively trying to lose weight. 

Try to include protein with every meal and as snacks throughout the day.

Its easy to have a protein shake while on the go and this would be considered a better choice than a sandwich or pasta salad from your nearest convenience store, however try to keep the protein shakes for after your work out and opt for solid foods as snacks through out the day.

If you must use a protein shake as a snack, be sure to add in some healthy fats (avacado, nuts, coconut etc).

Some of the best sources of protein for fat loss and toning are good quality grass fed beef, chicken, fish (particularly salmon and other cold water fish), lamb and eggs.

So there you have it...If you want to lose weight, increase your muscle tone, be healthier OR just feel fuller eat more good quality protein!


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