March 18, 2017

Why Green Tea is So Good?

Fitness, Weight loss

greentea3Green tea has various positive attributes that make it one of the best beverages for fat loss and is more than just hot flavoured water.

Green tea contains a low amount of caffeine, just enough to have desirable fat loss effects.

Caffeine is a well known stimulant that has been shown to aid fat burning and improve exercise performance in various studies.

Green tea is full of antioxidants, one of which can boost metabolism.

Studies have shown that it can help some people to burn 3-4% more calories each day.

Green tea comes in different flavours, so more than likely there will be one that you enjoy the taste of as well as the potential fat loss benefits!

The main antioxidant in green tea Epigallocatechin Galate (EGCG) helps to inhibit an enzyme that breaks down the hormone Norepinephrine, which is used to signal the fat cells, telling them to break down. The result is that more fat cells breakdown more fat, which is then used for energy by cells that need it, like muscle cells.

Put simply - Drink green tea for fat loss!



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