March 18, 2017

What is Insulin Sensitivity?

Weight loss

insulinInsulin is a storage hormone, a hormone that will cause havoc to your weight loss goal if it isn't kept under control.

After you eat a meal your body converts carbohydrates into glucose, some of which will be used by the cells in your body.

Insulin is the hormone that stores any excess glucose your body doesn't use. Your body can store glucose as glycogen and has a limited amount it can store within the muscles and liver at any time.

When your glycogen stores are full, insulin takes the remaining glucose and stores it as fat. "Insulin sensitivity" is to do with how your cells respond to insulin.

If you have a high sensitivity you will need only a small amount of insulin to store carbohydrates.

The higher your resistance to insulin the more insulin needs to be produced to achieve the same thing.

What this means is being sensitive to insulin will allow you to eat more "carbs" without huge levels of insulin in the blood stream.

The benefit of which is that when insulin levels are stable and low, fatty acids (fat stores) can be released. However if insulin levels are high it inhibits the release of fatty acids, effectively slamming the breaks on your fat loss progress!

A great way to positively affect insulin sensitivity is to cut out refined carbs and processed food. Taking a good quality fish oil will also help it improve and speed up your fat loss.


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