August 19, 2014

Want To Know Why You Store Fat Around Your Stomach?

Nutrition, Weight loss


Biosignature Modulation lets us identify the hormones that you are producing too much of or too little of that cause you to store fat around your stomach, hips and 8 other body parts!

Check out the recording of our DVCC private client webinar. We explain how to manipulate your hormones naturally to lose fat from your stomach.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • The only way to actually choose where to lose fat from
  • The points where we are most likely to store fat
  • What causes cortisol/stress hormone to increase
  • Solutions to relieve life stresses which help in losing body fat
  • What is meant by the  insulin/cortisol see saw



Hello and Welcome to DVCC Client webinar, titled Bio signature modulation. If you haven’t listened to the previous or you weren’t – you didn’t get to watch the recording or you didn’t get to watch it live, then biosignature basically refers to where you store fat is hormone related. So, for example, a lot of people get confuse and think that by doing a thousand sit-ups you’ll get a flat stomach. That’s not actually the case. You have to learn or know how to manipulate the hormones — manipulate them naturally via nutrition and supplement strategies which will go through.

And you will actually focus on three points today. We focused on three points on the previous one. We’re going to focus on the three points that are around your trunk, so we’re going to go through the hormones that affect them and how you can actually optimize those hormones to lose fat from your stomach.

So, once again, because there’s quite a lot of – this is a good one, this area. I know a lot of people have been looking forward to that. We had a lot of emails from people wanting to know this, particularly this area because for a lot of people it’s area that they really want to focus on. So if I don’t get around to answering your question but I probably won’t, I will follow up with you later on, so please put them into the box. Hopefully you can see it there. Put them into the box there and we’ll get around to answering them probably one-to-one with you.

So, let us begin. Now, the first point is called the mid axillary. Now, if you haven’t looked on there on that photo, I’m going to remind you again that this is all about an Olympic level athlete female, so this is a very, very lean woman. It’s just they use this because it’s easy to see all the different points. So, the mid axillary, we’re going to spend very little time on it actually because it’s linked to your thyroid. We could talk about it but I think it’s more responsible to say that if you do think you have any thyroid issues, you’re better off talking to a doctor. I think it’s one area that’s not responsible for us to go into. And you will find that if you do store fat particularly around there and I’m trying not to get confused between that area and your hip area. This mid axillary is a little bit higher as you can see there on that photo in your hip area. But if you do feel that you have or think that you may have some sort of thyroid issue, then you’re better off talking to your doctor because they can do a lot of tests for that.

Okay. So we’ll move straight on. This is the money maker. This is what everyone really wants to know. These next two points which is the next two points we’re going to talk about and we could talk about them for a while. But these ones, that is the supriliac, basically your hip area. So this one is literally directly link to how much in a way of the carbohydrates you have now. When I say carbohydrates, I’m more particularly talking to sugary forms of carbohydrate e.g. white pasta, potatoes and things like that, things with very little fiber in. Also pure sugar obviously having cups of tea with sugar in, then they obviously would contribute and pastries and things like that, they all have sugary foods and even if – it also contains fats at the same time such as the pastry, a lot of transfats in there. Then that will literally go directly to your hip.

So, once again, a lot of these rule and ratio. So if you do feel that you store most of your body fat or a lot more than other areas on your hip area, I can guarantee that the amount of refined sugary carbohydrates that you eat would correlate. So the more you store fat on that hip area, the more likely you’re eating too much in the way of sugary carbohydrates.

Now, it’s important to note that don’t be as worried about good quality carbohydrates such as sweet potato or things like quinoa. But it is also true that if you’re to eat an awful lot of those even though they’re good quality types of carbohydrate, they would still cause you to store fat on that hip area. So you can actually do yourself a favor by trying to limit the amount you have. And the one thing that I discusses with quite a few different clients over time is that I think we have – a lot of us have an unrealistic view of what a portion size is, so what we end up doing making the biggest portion of our plate the carbohydrate source and that’s not the way it should be.

So really, it should be equal amounts of good quality lean protein, so that’s fish, meat of good quality and from good sources and green vegetables, equal amount, if not more. You can’t overeat green vegetables. And then if you were going to be having some form of good quality carbohydrate, and a small amount of, say, sweet potato but that amount would be smaller than the amount of protein you’ve got there. And I think we’re so used to basing our whole meal around the carbohydrate that we’ve kind of lost track of how much we should actually be eating. And it should be remind – interesting point that there’s no known disease to man from a lack of carbohydrate but there is for a lack of protein. So basically, you won’t get ill if you don’t have lots of sugar and refined carbohydrate like that, so there’s no need to worry. If you don’t have any pasta, it’s not going to affect you negatively at all.

But it is important to note that you should be making sure that you have a lot of green vegetables. So one of the best strategies to try and decrease the fats on your hip is actually to massively increase the amount of green vegetables you have. So literally, one of the most simple ways is just to double up the amount of green vegetables you’re having and I say green because they are the ones with the fiber in. So not just increasing the amount of carrots or tomatoes you have – they’re fine, they’re healthy but when we’re talking about trying to lose fat from your hip area, you really want to just be massively increasing the amount of green vegetables because they’re full of fiber, full of nutrients but they regulate your blood sugar as well and that will only contribute to storing less fat on your hip.

And since we’re talking about blood sugar, it’s another thing to note that if you’re going to try and you want to lose fat from your hip area and you’re going to actually try and decrease the amount of refined sugary carbohydrate you have and if you think you’re actually just having too many overall even if they are better quality ones, then make sure that you are still having enough protein but also good fats because a lot of the time people will cut out carbohydrate but they won’t actually add any good quality fats and that can actually mean that your blood sugar is negatively effective, so then you end up craving sugary foods anyway and as a result you’ll bulge and you’ll end up storing more fats on your hips anyway.

And it’s important as well that this is all about – this area is all about consistency, so going very different carbohydrate for three or four days won’t have a massive impact. You really want to give yourself at least two weeks of really maybe decreasing the amount of refined carbohydrate you have but massively increasing the amount of green vegetables you have, then give it two week of doing that everyday consistently, you’ll find that that makes a really big difference to your hip area. Doing it for a few days on and then having a bit full of sugary or carbohydrates for a day, that won’t have much of an impact, so you won’t really get to see the benefits.

Now, we’ll move on to the umbilical because these two points, the one we just talked about supriliac and umbilical are really closely related. Now the umbilical, so around your belly button area is related to cortisol. Now, cortisol is your stress hormone, the hormone you produce when typically you are stress. Now, common causes of cortisol or stress are down there, emotional stress, work stress, family, they all contribute to stress. I’m sure everyone agrees. We also have physical stress which could be e.g. long steady stat e cardio because that can cause stress to you as well. We’re going to a bit more depth on this. Food intolerance, food that you’re not necessarily allergic to because allergy is normally quite like a severe things that your face maybe blows up like a balloon or you’ll get really ill, that’s an allergy. But we’re talking food intolerance’s, so they could be things that you don’t actually even necessarily realize or things that you could realize because they give you maybe bad wind or bad stomach or just make you feel lethargic. But we’ll go into this in a bit more depth, but they don’t necessarily have to be the typical unhealthy so it could also be ones that you think are healthy.

Too much exercise, that can actually cause an increasing cortisol because actually when you do exercise, you do raise cortisol which is not a bad thing whilst you’re exercises, but if you’re doing too much and you’re not actually able to drop that cortisol, then that can be a bad thing. We’re going to depths on that. Lack of quality sleep, that can increase the amount of stress your body is under, so the amount of cortisol you have. And not eating regularly.

So solutions and we’re going to get more depth on them. So, emotional, work, family stress etc, now, that obviously for a lot of the time is hard to actually avoid because as much as we want to, we can’t just get rid of our family even when we’re in a work environment that’s not particularly positive and causes stress and it’s quite hard to actually get up. But there are little stretches that you can do and have actually been shown to lower your stress levels because this is about managing your stress levels and I could go into an awful lot about supplements and maybe I will do in a later webinar but I think it’s important to go through the more natural solutions there are to these things first rather than just try to cover it up with supplements because supplements can get more expensive and these are certainly things that you can do that actually cross in your mind.

So the gratitude journal. Now, these one, they’ve done studies and this is actually shown to lower stress levels and that’s basically – so you’ve had a really rubbish that work. Try writing down five things that you’re grateful for. Now, what you’ll find is – and what they’ve proven is that you can’t actually have anger and gratitude at the same time. So you can’t be angry yet be feeling grateful. So what you do is you write down five things that you’re grateful for and why. So it may be your husband. It might be a child, your son or whatever it might be simply that you’re actually able to get up and go to work every day. But basically look into your life and look for five things that you are grateful for. And if you are to do that every day for 21 days, you’d find that it really changes your mindset massively, so you’re actually focusing on positive things that you’re grateful for rather than looking at things that you’re actually – that are negative and that you’re actually – it cause you stress anyway, so thinking about them further cause you more stress. So try changing your mindset and it will actually make a difference and that’s been proven, gratitude journal is quite a powerful thing. I think we spend – and actually, it’s quite a good thing to start the day with as well. And naturally, we spend a lot of time focusing on what’s not going well rather than actually what’s going well or what we’re grateful for.

So I really do – I would urge you to try that and just try it once and see how you feel and then give it a shot and so maybe do it and do it for 21 days and then tell me how you feel. If it sounds a bit quirky, still try it because unless you tried it you can’t really offer an opinion on it, so certainly it can’t do any harm focusing on what you’re grateful for. So if it really cool off somewhat one of the – a few of you, quite a few who listens to this live, if you are to try that, then let me know in 21 days how it actually affected you.

So another solution for emotional stress would be the 3 wins. We’ve spoken about quite a lot but it’s really powerful whenever I’ve asked someone to do it, they’ve really reported back that it made a big difference to them. And all the guys, all of our team, we will do it every day and that’s writing down the 3 wins at the end of the day that you have that day. So it might be, I exercise in the morning, I ate a great breakfast, I had a lovely conversation with my stomach. That would be three wins. And if you do that at the end of the day, you’ll find that, again, same as the gratitude journal but really focuses you on what went well and what was good that day. And that will actually naturally lower your stress levels, your cortisol levels which will lead to less body fat around your stomach area.

Now, training stress e.g., long steady state cardio. Training does, of course, an increase in cortisol which can be a good thing but after certain amount of time – now, ideally, all the studies showed that 42 minutes is when testosterone peaks and from then on, it starts to drop and the cortisol starts to carry on increasing. Cortisol as a hormone, like it can only – it does encourage fat source particularly around the stomach and that’s because there’s more cortisol receptors around your belly button area, but also, it can encourage you to breakdown muscle tissue and also makes you acidic as well. So, doing lots of long steady aerobic bouts of exercises do increase this cortisol. So that can be done, it doesn’t just have to be going out for a run. You can actually find – if you’re using lift weights for thousands and thousands of reps, that’s actually aerobic training but you’re just doing it with resistance work – I’m sorry, with dumbbells. It doesn’t have to be just going for a run or sitting on a crosstrainer. It can be done in different ways, but it’s long steady state bouts of exercise.

So ideally, solutions part is you wouldn’t train more an hour. An hour is ample. Realistically, if you’re training properly, it should – like I said, 42 minutes is optimal and the thing being that you should be training hard within that time. If you’re doing – I mean, there’s a few people that can manage a bit more but ideally, you’d be working super, super hard for that 42 minutes effectively. Not doing low intensity training apart for maybe for warm-up, but doing interval style training, so which is working hard, I mean, a rest and then working hard again. And, again, like I said, they’re not doing cardio with weights e.g. really light weights that you can just do a thousand times.

And what you’ll find actually, when my clients is going to explain more into the way all the routines are written, that we actually start with – we’ve been writing more now for the last week or so. We just changed up because we managed to come up with some really good new formulas and techniques and things. You’ll get to experience them if you haven’t already. But they are definitely not using low intensity style training. They’re using really interval style training that produces a lot of lactic acid that causes a lot less actual stress on your body which is interesting because it’s a lot tougher for you, but that’s why it produces a much better fat loss response and end up with a far better body composition which means less body fat and more muscle tone because it’s not using long steady state cardio which actually stress your body which will actually encourage you to store fat around the stomach which is why whenever you watch the London Marathon, you can see a lot of people that – who expect that long steady state cardio was good for fat loss, you expect a lot of very, very lean people.

And actually, when you look at it, a lot of people I’ve spoken to, that have actually done the marathon, have found that they’ve actually put on body fat whilst training for it, yet they’ve up their steady state cardio massively and it actually proves that it doesn’t encourage fat loss. It actually encourages you to lose muscle and gain fat particularly around your stomach.

So, we’ll move on now to food intolerances, I think. Yes, we’re going to food intolerances. Now, like I said, food intolerance don’t necessarily have to be the usual culprits but often they would be, so gluten, dairy, sugar and processed foods are all food – things that cause – are typical foods intolerances most people. So if you feel that you store fats around your stomach area, around your belly button area and you’re wondering why you can’t seem to lose it from there, then make sure the first thing you do is you look at gluten, dairy, sugar, processed food content that you’re eating. And then literally, I mean, what you really know is to cut it out at least 21 days completely. Now, when I say cut it out, I’m talking about literally cutting out completely because it only takes 1/16 of a fingernail of gluten to cause an inflammatory response for, I think it’s three months, 90 days, that’s right, 90 days. So you can know that you have to have zero. There is no, “Oh, I had a little bit, but I’m still storing around my stomach.”  It has to be cut out completely.

And then what you do after these 21 days is you introduce one of those things, one of those foods and see how you go. It’s a form of elimination diet. But by taking it out that long, you’ll drop the – any sort of inflammation response you have and then introduce it back and you’ll see how you respond but don’t introduce all altogether because you won’t see – you won’t be able to tell which actually you’re intolerant to if – or unless it’s all of them.

Also good to note that it is possible to be intolerant to health foods. It is really individual thing. So don’t think just because the food is healthy that, for you, it’s not intolerant. So if you’re thinking, for example, tomato is a great healthy food but you may well be intolerant to them if you’re getting a little bit of a feeling that whenever you’re eating them, you’re feeling a bit funny afterwards, maybe your energy levels are low, maybe you’re just feeling not as good as you normally do, then it could potentially be tomato, so do the exact same thing, cut them out and then introduce them; eggs potentially, I mean, any food. I could list through all foods. It really depends literally on a number of difference factors genetically, also how you grow up, what you ate loads of different things, fish. I mean, literally, just because the food is healthy, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it couldn’t be an intolerance for you. So be aware of that, how you feel and then all you have to do is take them out for 21 days and then introduce them. But food intolerance are often the cause of storing fat for a lot of people. Now, I’m actually working with clients and then asked them to cut out certain foods despite them being healthy foods, they found that their fat loss have actually increased because they’re no longer getting an inflammatory response.

Now, here’s an interesting one, too much exercise, that it’s possible to do. Like I said about too longer bouts of exercise, but too much exercise can actually cause and increase – too much of an increasing cortisol which then encourages you to store fat around your stomach. Now, it is important to note that you have to think about your whole lifestyle with this because you might feel fine when you’re doing sessions but you might actually, at the same time, also have – I’m talking about to a lot and lots of sessions, so I’m talking more than, say, five sessions a week. You might be doing more than that. So we’re talking about people that do more than, say, four or five sessions a week. It’s an individual thing. You’re not necessarily are but this is just something to be aware of. If you are finding that you store fat around your belly button that you can’t get rid of, then look at your whole lifestyle because all those things I’ve covered can all contribute.

So in and by itself, if you live like an Olympic athlete, if someone make your food, you have no emotional stress, you didn’t have to go to work every day, you could probably train an awful lot more, but we have to be realistic that there’s a lot of other things that go on in our lives that all contribute to increasing – that could all contribute to increasing cortisol. So, it’s important that you make sure that you are recovering correctly and that means that your body then is able to recover to allow you to work maximally again.

So ideally, in an ideal world, if you’re wanting to do more in a way of exercise, which I’m not discouraging, I want to make that clear, but if you want to do more, the ideal world is that you would split the sessions up. So, for example, obviously every athletes will train multiple times in a day rather than all at once, that is the ideal. Now, if you find that you’re not storing body fat around your stomach and you’re doing a lot of exercise, then that’s fine. It’s probably not the reason and it’s not a problem. But just be aware that if you find you are storing fat around your stomach area more than other areas, it is something to be aware of.

Lack of quality sleep. Now what I’m talking about is an awful lot of it. It is literally one of the easiest ways to slow down fat loss is not sleeping well. When we’re talking not sleeping well – we’ll go more on to these actually when we do some of the lower body size like – but it’s very important that you do have good quality sleep. So your hits the pillow and then you sleep all the way through until you wake up. Now, optimal amount of sleep, it’s an individual thing. Now, our body can adapt to anything, so if someone says, “Oh, yeah, I survived on four-hour sleep,” yes, you survived but we’re talking about optimal and eventually those four hours will catch up with you and you’ll end up storing fats around your stomach and things like that. And also, you won’t be recovering and just general moods and things get affected.

So, it’s important that you do try and aim for, I think, between 7 to 8 hours is optimal from all the research they’re talking and realistic as well for more people. That’s important, being realistic for being able to actually live properly, do work and exercise and everything else like that and obviously, spend time with our family, but between 7 and 8 hours. Ideally, we may go to bed early and rise early. So for example, I find it can be perfect is to bed at 10:00, up at 6:00, that’s perfect for me. I mean, if I’m going to get up a bit early, then I’ll go to bed a little bit earlier between 9:00 and9:30. But obviously, that’s not always ideal, but I just find it – it’s an individual thing, but earlier, certainly if you’re going to bed earlier than 12:00, ideally before 11:00 really. I know a lot of people end up staying past 12:00 and that really can – they have it with actual fat loss but also particularly storing fats around your stomach.

So one of the key things to actually help you get to sleep is magnesium and actually, interestingly enough, whenever you are under period of stress, what happens is you deplete, so you get rid of more magnesium, not at other times. So the more stress you are, the more magnesium you should take and that will actually help you sleep. So it should foresee – if you know you’re coming up for a stressful period from whatever cause, I would say increase the amount of magnesium you have. And you’ll know you’re having too much magnesium if your stools – what I’m saying is if you basically get diarrhea. And so what you can do is split up – we normally recommend about four magnesium tablets before bed. What you can do if you want to increase is have some at dinner, before bed as well. You’ll just increase the amount and actually in times of stress, I’ll end up having eight because my sleep becomes poor if I’m in times of stress or whatever. But at the moment, I just take four every day. And also note that having training also does decrease the amount of magnesium you have as well. Okay?

So, let’s move to the final one. Like I said, magnesium is the only supplement I’ve actually included, but I wanted to talk about – it’s easy for me to talk about different supplements and things but I think it’s more responsible if we talk about the natural food type of ways because at the end of the day, food makes the biggest difference to this area of your body, your stomach and your hips. So I could talk about supplements but really, they can be a bit of a, what’s the word, a thing that you could overcut, plus figure, they can be a bit of a plus there.

So, not eating regularly which interestingly can cause you to store fat in your stomach area and actually contributes to your hip as well. So it’s something called insulin/cortisol see saw. So basically, when you don’t eat, you’ll find that you produce cortisol. Now, cortisol will actually get rid of – I’m going to make it simple but basically empties your blood of sugar, so basically drop your blood sugar. What you’ll find is then you’ll crave sugary foods which when eaten will increase the amount of insulin you have but they’re also – generally, sugary foods will be inflammatory which will increase the amount of cortisol and then the insulin drops the blood sugar out and basically what you’ll find is that it’s a bit of a see saw. Insulin goes up, cortisol goes up alternately. So what you’ll find is that actually encourages you to store fat around your stomach but also around your hip area as well.

Now, that’s if you’re spending long periods of time not eating, so we’re talking more than 3 or 4, 4, 5, six hours – 3, 4, 5, 6 hours really because ideally, to try and keep that and check, you’d be eating small feedings regularly. A good amount of quality protein, now at least that had to be big meals but it’s just a case of not going for long periods of time without any food. So some quality protein and some quality fat is ideal.

But a couple ideas, I’m sure some of you know this already, but celery and almond butter, mange tout, basically a lot of different stuff with almond butter is ideal and butter soup are good, full of healthy fats, little bit of protein and adding that to some fibrous vegetables such as celery is ideal as a little snack. And it’s great because you’re going to wrap it up, put in a container and take it with you to work, it’s easy to do. Guacamole and naturally made guacamole is best and some veg, so like peppers and things, carrots maybe is also another good little snack. And my favorite, I put beef and spinach because I just want to Tesco’s to get some food and I just got some beef and spinach. So if you can handle that, then that’s perfect as well. So you’ve got some – oh, and some nuts with that would be ideal. I couldn’t find any, so I didn’t get any. So some almonds, a few almonds, or maybe some cashews, a few hazelnuts with the beef and some spinach is ideal.

Now, I see there’s quite a few questions and I didn’t want this to go on too long. So we’re about 30 minutes now, so I’ll stop. Now, hopefully you’ve got – that you find that quite interesting. I’ve got quite a few questions. I will reply to you tonight or tomorrow. But I hope, if you haven’t any more questions, do ask. It’s a big, big topic. And like I said, I haven’t talked about different supplements and things that I don’t really want to be pushing supplements. If you do have any questions about – suggestions for anything, then of course, I will then answer those.


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