March 18, 2017

Top 10 Tips for Fat Loss

Nutrition, Weight loss, Workout, Fat Loss

You can lose fat faster just by being conscious about what you eat and drink; you’re already working out and now it’s time to think about your body from the inside out. Complement your DVCC workout by following a nutritious diet and checking out our top ten tips for fat loss:

  1. Don’t slash calories – This might come as a surprise, seeing as we’ve been led to believe that successful fat loss is all about reducing our calorie intake. But if you’re constantly hungry when dieting it’s probably because your daily calorie intake is too low, increasing your chances of feeling faint or tired; or giving in and reaching for the biscuit tin. Make sure you get plenty of vegetables, healthy fats, and quality protein to satisfy your appetite.
  2. Eat high-quality protein in your diet – Where possible, try to plan every meal around your main protein source, such as meat, eggs, chicken, and fish. Protein foods will not only fill you up, but also keep your blood sugar steady and ensure you don’t pass out at your desk.
  3. Eat lots of veggies; the leafier the better – Leafy greens are not only filling and delicious, but they also provide fibre, and help maintain your body’s metabolism. Try replacing the extra spuds with broccoli, spinach, green beans, lettuce, and if you can stomach them, Brussels sprouts.
  4. Fat doesn’t have to be your enemy – Our body needs dietary fat for its bioavailable vitamins and minerals that help kick start the metabolism. It has also been proven that higher fat diets allow for higher androgen hormones, which have been linked to lower body fat.
  5. Help reduce inflammation – Eating an antioxidant-rich diet can help you reduce inflammation and increase blood antioxidant capacity. Include foods like almonds, kiwi, avocados, olives, blackberries, and red peppers in your diet.
  6. Remove processed and fried foods from your diet – Modified, processed and fried foods, such as ham, bacon and sausages, can’t break down properly in our bodies and remain in our kidneys, liver, intestines, and colon for extended periods of time, meaning that you burn less calories. Processed meat is also made by adding chemicals and preservatives, such as nitrates, and these preserving techniques have recently been linked to causing cancer.
  7. Lay off the alcohol – Avoid alcohol, juice, and fizzy drinks, as they are packed with sugar and empty calories. Not only do they not leave you feeling full up, but you’ll have to work twice as hard to burn off the extra sugar.
  8. Eat the right kind of oil – eat more fish oil and oil from nuts and seeds. Vegetable oil, such as corn or canola, is very high in omega-6 fats, which have been linked to diabetes and increased body fat.
  9. Eat less grains – Swap your grain based food, such as bread, crackers, and rice, for vegetables. Grain foods are deceptive, as they are very easy to over-eat and crowd out other more nutritional foods.
  10. Drink more water - Water is calorie-free, makes you feel full and eat less. It also boosts your circulation, balances your system, and improves your overall wellbeing.


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