June 10, 2014

{Podcast} Anti – Cancer Actionable Steps



 Highlights of the Podcast:

  • Actionable steps to minimize your risk for cancer
  • Cancer needs to feed to grow
  • The number one food for cancer is sugar
  • Cancer thrives in an environment with low oxygen, low nutrients and high acidity
  • Minimize your intake of sugar and have a low carb diet
  • Cancer is manmade-driven
  • The foods you eat have a big impact on your ability to recover
  • Plant nutrients is the number one solution
  • Try to go as organic as possible
  • Have 13 servings of vegetables and fruits a day
  • Compensate with greens drinks and powdered greens
  • Detoxify yourself
  • Estrogens and Xenoestrogens
  • Avoid using plastics and use only BPA-free bottles
  • Resveratrol is effective in detoxifying against estrogens
  • Broccoli contains DIM that detoxifies
  • Omega 3 and Vitamin D3 are effective anti-cancer supplements




Stephen:  Hello and welcome to the podcast. I am Stephen Gray. Yes, that’s right. I’m the one leading us in this time. Because Mark normally dominates the situation, but he is sitting next to me in the car. Say hello, Mark.

Mark:  Hello, lovely listeners!

Stephen:  So, today we’re going to be following up from our previous podcast, which has had some good reviews, actually. People listening to it, they weren’t aware of the statistics and things. Because remember, we spoke about cancer and how rife it is. But now, today, we’re actually going to be talking about what you can do to minimize your risk. Now, a lot of it is nutritional-based because it’s very important to realize that there is a lot you can do to actually really, like I say, minimize your risk. Because I’ve done a lot of learning and I’ve had consultations with top doctors in America. Actually, my sister actually used to work for Cancer Research UK, so she has access to a lot of the top professors and things, a lot of top research going on. So we’re very fortunate to have a lot of the top access to the newest and the most up-to-date, best information, and we’ve obviously had to do that very recently and we’ve been looking at it personally for people close to us.

But, we wanted to share it with you because maybe you – I know we have clients who have been touched by cancer or have loved ones who have been. So if you and everyone listening will know somebody that this can benefit from, because this is actually true of people that want to actually minimize their risk, but also true of people that actually, how they can help themselves recover as well as possible as well.

Mark:  So, let’s get on with it. Let’s get on with the actionables.

Stephen:  Right.

Mark:  Yes.

Stephen:  So these are designed to be actionable things that you can actually do as well. So, rather than the last podcast, like we said at the time, was going to be a bit more about the stats and figures and things. This is going to be actually things that you can do today, now, to actually help yourselves.

Mark:  So, I think the first thing to do is to look at what cancer – let’s imagine it’s like a little human being or a little thing and it needs to feed, right? It needs to eat, it needs to eat to grow. And obviously, we don’t want it to grow. We don’t want it to get stronger. So?

Stephen:  Well, cancer cells actually need an awful lot of energy. So, more than normal cells, healthy cells, they actually need a lot more – they’re called “metabolically active,” which means they burn a lot of fuel.

Mark:  Kind of like if you put it between a young boy and an adult, the young boy needs far more nutrients than the adult because it’s growing. So the same thing with cancer. And therefore, conversely, we can look at that and think, right, well we don’t want to give them what they need to grow because we don’t want cancer to grow. So we can and should reduce, limit, get rid of anything that cancers feed on. And the number one thing that cancer feeds on is?

Stephen:  Sugar. Now, I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but this is well-documented. But the number one food for cancer is sugar. So, literally, when you think about that, what’s the most important thing, the biggest thing you can do to actually limit the amount of food, because obviously, if you limit the amount of food that cancer has – we’ll call it cancer. We’ll call it like a – obviously, it’s a living thing. Cancer cells or whatever you want to call it. The thing you want to deny it is obviously?

Mark:  Sugar.

Stephen:  Sugar. It makes sense, correct? So if you’re taking in large amounts of Coca-Cola, which obviously has an awful lot of sugar.

Mark:  I think, I’m pretty sure it’s 11 teaspoons or tablespoons.

Stephen:  Teaspoons.

Mark:  11 teaspoons, I would have thought, in each kind of Coke of sugar. So there’s 11 teaspoons of sugar in a can of Coke.

Stephen:  But if you’re having five cups of tea a day and you’re having a couple of teaspoons of sugar every day in your tea, you’re taking in quite a lot of extra sugar. If you’re eating sugary sweets, if you’re eating a lot of sugary foods, then you’re really creating what we talked about, a pro-cancer environment. Also, you should know – remember when we spoke about what cancer, kind of the  environment it needs, which is low oxygen, low nutrients and high acidity? Sugar really has a big impact on I think all those three. Certainly, alkalinity. It makes you more acid. And certainly, nutrients. It’s not particularly beneficial, nutrient-wise, to your body. So, that’s why a lot of the studies that had very good results have actually been lower carbohydrate eating. And the thing being, if you’re eating healthily, you’re eating large amounts of green vegetables and you’re eating a limited amount of starchy foods, because if you’re eating for health and weight loss, anyway, then you’re obviously going to be limiting the amount of sugar you are having anyway. But, if someone is actually or has cancer, we’ve had to look into a lot about the nutritional things you should be doing, and limiting the amount of sugar that person has is massively important.

Mark:  Massively important. I mean, sugar nowadays, there’s like sugar addicts. There are people who are sugar addicts. So it’s a tough one, or no, it’s not. People find it tough to reduce their sugar, and so they need sugar. But you just got to go the hard yards. Like if you know that it’s going to reduce your chances or if you even have cancer and it’s going to increase your chances of getting rid, get rid of the sugar. Like you don’t need it in your tea. Swap to a green tea. And you go, “Oh, but I don’t like it.” Well, suck it up and get used to it because it’s that or the far more negative than a slight distaste. So that was a little bit of an outburst there, but it is true. If you reduce your sugar, you’re cutting off their food supply.

Stephen:  Cancel cells take 10 times more glucose, which is 10 times more sugar than normal cells.

Mark:  They take it?

Stephen:  Yes. That’s what they take. 10 times more. They need 10 times more.

Mark:  So, reduce it by 10 times.

Stephen:  So going lower carbohydrate, which means increasing the amount of green vegetables you’re having and decreasing the amount of pasta, potatoes, rice and things like that. The really starchy types of carbs because they are effectively providing you with sugar. So, you really need to be limiting them. I mean, we saw the recommendations someone was given for food-wise when they actually were diagnosed with cancer, and to be honest, I’m going to throw it out there, but they were awful. And we said, “Don’t eat that way. You can’t,” and they knew. And actually, I’ve spoken to a lot of people who have loved ones and things that have cancer, but the recommendations they got for food really weren’t…

Mark:  They’re so old school. Do they not even think about it or what?

Stephen:  They don’t know. Because when you’re dealing with an oncologist, they do a great job and things, but they’re dealing with the chemotherapy side of things, the radiotherapy side of things. They’re not looking at the nutritional side because realistically, there’s so much to learn about everything, you can’t learn about everything. So, I don’t blame them for that. But to deny that giving your body nutrients and the right nutrients will not have an impact on recovery and the immune system, because obviously the immune system is super important, is really just kind of looking at the world through a straw because I deny to anyone to actually really sustain a decent argument that improving the way you eat is not going to have a big impact on your ability to handle, for example, if you’re having to go through chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or actually, to recover and to – actually, to stop it happening again.

Mark:  It’s very interesting actually, if you look at this. You know Steve Jobs obviously died of cancer, right? They say the reason he actually died was because he tried to do it – he died all natural – not natural. He denied all…

Stephen:  Modern.

Mark:  Modern cancer treatments. He didn’t have chemo and everything else for a long time. And he tried to do it the natural way and just like – I think it was just food, but also like meditation and all that kind of stuff. Now we’re not saying that you should ever do that because realistically, cancer is kind of manmade. It’s manmade-driven.  It’s being made worse by the environments that we’ve created. Obviously, we’re just saying that the foods that you eat as well will only benefit you.

Stephen:  Correct. So we’re saying the food, the nutrients you put into your body will have a big impact on your ability to recover. So, don’t think that that’s not important because it is. And the fact that cancer feeds on sugar, intelligence would say decrease the amount of sugar you’re taking to your body because you’re actually denying it when…

Mark:  And I get this. When people go through chemo, they lose a lot of weight and you need to be a higher weight. As high a weight as possible because you obviously have a high dosage of chemos determined on your weight to see how much you can handle, and I know you lose a lot of weight because you can’t eat and you don’t want to eat, and you lose a lot of muscle. And therefore, they want you to have high calorie foods and they’re thinking, right, sugar is high calorie. That’s how to increase your calories. I can understand that, but they’re not looking at the negatives of it, and there are other options. So, for example, we had our father having coconut milk instead of sugary fruit juice like they all suggested. And there’s different options within that. You don’t have to…

Stephen:  And as well, they say a lot of the muscle loss and things comes from the acidity in your body. And so, your body breaks down muscle to try and alkalize itself. But we’re going to talk about acidity actually in a minute. But, yes. So, just to maybe that point, cancer’s main food source is sugar. So really, limiting the amount of sugar you have, the amount of foods you have containing sugar is very important. So then, let’s go on to what seems to be – I’ve done an awful lot of reading, an awful lot of listening to lectures, and the number one solution seems to be plant nutrients. And this makes sense. I have 100% confidence in this. It’s plant nutrients. Basically, things like naturally-occurring vegetables. And when we’re talking about these, the best thing you can do is actually be organic because it avoids any of the pesticides and toxins and things like that.

Now I know that is expensive, and I don’t always eat organic vegetables because it is very, very expensive. However, if you can – and it’s important that you know what is best, I think, because then you can make more informed decisions. And there are certain foods that actually should be more organic than others, or you should try and get organic above others because they are more sprayed. For example, coffee. It’s one of the most sprayed crops. It tends to be the thin-skinned fruits.

Mark:  Strawberries.

Stephen:  Strawberries and things like that. They tend to have more pesticides and things like that on them. But it’s just important to know that. But anyway, increasing the amount of plant nutrients you have is the biggest, the most important, and the biggest thing you can do to really – the thing being, we mentioned how a pro-cancer environment is acid, low oxygen and low nutrients. Plant nutrients massively alkalize your body. So, increase the amount of fruits and vegetables which are plant vegetables. It massively alkalizes your body and oxygenates as well your blood.

Now, you’re going to say, “Well, I thought fruits were bad for weight loss and fat loss.”

Mark:  Fat loss too.

Stephen:  Yes. Now, this is important. Most of those plant nutrients should come from vegetables.

Mark:  Green vegetables.

Stephen:  Green, leafy, cruciferous vegetables would be the best. And then when you are looking to have a bit of fruit, it should be things like blueberries and the thin-skinned fruits, and they shouldn’t make up the bulk of the plant nutrients that you’re having.

Mark:  So it’s kind of like 10 and 3.

Stephen:  Yes. 13 servings a day.

Mark:  13 servings.

Stephen:  13 servings a day – 10 being vegetables and maybe 3 fruit, but even less if you can.

Mark:  Yes. So, actually, because we haven’t mentioned that, now the recommendations on the amount are 13 servings.

Stephen:  And what’s a serving?

Mark:  It’s roughly about 80 grams.

Stephen:  Right. Roughly about 80 grams. So it’s an awful lot of vegetables compared to what most people have. Now, it really is quite hard to have that number of vegetables and you’re going to think, “Well, that’s just impossible so I’m not going to bother.” But there are now greens drinks and things you can get. Powdered, basically. Powdered greens and fruit put into powder. Organic, really good quality that you can get, that you can drink to increase the amount of vegetables you’re actually having so you can get your quota for the day. Now, we’re going to try to actually provide some in the centres, aren’t we?

Mark:  Yes. We’re looking at the best quality supplements that we can supply to all of our clients, and then to you guys listening to the podcast. It’s tough because most of it, the best stuff, is from America. And obviously, we’re getting it cross-shipped. But, we’ll let you know as soon as we got that sorted, but if you do know of greens drinks, then you want to be getting hold of them.

Stephen:  But have a think about how many vegetables do you actually eat a day. Maybe one day, tomorrow or today, count how many servings you actually have today. I guarantee you’re not having 13. I mean, when I looked at it myself a couple of weeks ago, I realized I wasn’t having enough, and I have an awful lot of vegetables. So I just increased it. I actually was able to eat it. I do have greens drinks as well, but I am actually able to eat that amount of vegetables because I’m used to eating a lot of food and I very rarely have that much carbohydrate anyway, so most of my meal is the protein with the vegetables anyway. So, have a think how much you’re actually eating in the way of plant nutrients because 13 servings a day of fruits and vegetables are what’s now recommended.

Mark:  And with that, variety is the name of the game really with your plant nutrients. You want to be changing around, rotating, having loads of different types of green, dark green, leafy vegetables and rotating around. I mean, that’s going to help you not getting bored. But also, that is better for you.

Stephen:  It provides you with more of the – a different spectrum of the nutrients.

Mark:  Exactly. Right. So, let’s give another actionable step.

Stephen:  Well, we spoke in the other podcast about how toxins are a massive cause or they have been proven to have a big impact on being pro-cancer effectively, and they’re everywhere. I think we mentioned also that polar bears have them. Killer whales have been shown to have them. They’re everywhere. So it’s really hard to kind of stop yourself getting them. There’s no actual way that you won’t take in any toxins in a day.

Mark:  Ever.

Stephen:  Ever. However, there are things you can do to actually detox yourself from those toxins. So actually, taking an awful lot of vegetables is one of those ways. Making your body really alkaline so you’re better able to detox is also one of those ways which we mentioned. Now estrogens are probably one of the most important of these types of toxins. So Xenoestrogens. Basically, manmade, bad type of estrogens that you’ll in to your body that are very much being shown to actually be pro-cancer. So, for example, I think a lot of people have seen BPA-free bottles. I think we mentioned this.

Mark:  There are lots around. There are lots around everywhere now actually.

Stephen:  Because there’s a lot of studies that show plastics are very harmful for humans. They’ve been linked with breast cancer and things like that. So, if you can definitely get a BPA bottle – actually, I said this to a lady I met with just the other day because she was doing really well on the amount of water she was bringing, but I could tell. I said, “How long have you had that bottle?” because it was a well-worn bottle that she drives around with all day. So the worst thing you can do is have a plastic bottle that gets warm, gets heated in the sun, and that you use continuously because basically, the plastics leach. It’s called “leach” into the water, which you then ingest. So I mean, the thing about estrogen as well, there’s a lot of studies that show that areas where more women are using the contraceptive pill, they actually manage to get into the water, and then men are actually negatively affected as well.

Mark:  Was that fish stat?

Stephen:  There was an English study actually where there’s an area where an enormous amount of women were taking the contraceptive pill, and actually…

Mark:  Why was it in that area?

Stephen:  I have no idea where it was [Laughs]. I’m not going to comment where it was. But, the water – actually, the fish, showed – I think 80% showed feminization. Basically, there was fish that were turning into hermaphrodites, I think it’s called, where they were basically turning into women because of the amount of these estrogens in the water. And obviously, fish is smaller, and therefore, it has a larger impact.

Mark:  A quicker effect.

Stephen:  Quicker, a larger impact on them. But it also showed there was an increase in risk of male prostate cancer and things like that. So, being aware of the amount of estrogens there are around is very, very important. And so, the things you can do to actually detox, like I said about increasing the amount of vegetables have an impact. Trying to limit the amount you take in. So, no plastics. Certainly, when you’re heating things in the kitchen, you shouldn’t be heating plastics in microwaves. You shouldn’t be heating plastic, full stop. Ideally, you’d be using glass or BPA-free and really try and limit the amount that you actually allow into your body. But then if you want to detox estrogens specifically, I mean, Resveratrol has been shown to be very effective, isn’t that?

Mark:  Very good, yes.

Stephen:  That’s the thing that we’ve spoken about before that’s actually within red wine, but ideally, you’d actually probably get it from a supplement.

Mark:  Yes, you just get it from a supplement. You can go to a health food store and get Resveratrol.

Stephen:  And also, broccoli has been very important or shown to be very effective at actually detoxing estrogens because it contains – again, you can get the thing that detoxes those estrogens. It’s DIM, isn’t it? That actually is contained in broccoli. You can get that as a supplement as well.

Mark:  It’s called DIM. It’s Dioxy – ah, it’s a long word.

Stephen:  It’s a long chemical name.

Mark:  D-I-M, DIM.

Stephen:  But, also, if you’re having too much estrogen, kind of a sign is that you’re storing body fat in your lower body. And particularly with men as well is if they’re storing their body fat in their lower body, but also their chest.

Mark:  Yes. If they have “man boobs,” they’re called, then…

Stephen:  You want to do things to try and limit the amount of estrogens you’re taking.

Mark:  That’s from too high an estrogen. Exactly. And you might get this, they say that men are becoming more female in terms of they’re less manly than we were 40 years ago, 10 years ago, 60 years ago. And that’s because of the estrogen. So, if you’re crying watching some films, you got to look at yourself if you’re a chap.

Stephen:  Unless it’s like a really sad film.

Mark:  Unless it’s like Bambi or something.

Stephen:  Or Free Willy maybe.

Mark:  Free Willy, yes.

Stephen:  It’s quite sad.

Mark:  Yes. Then you got to look at yourself. If you’re storing fat in your chest and your lower body as a man, then you need to be working hard to get rid of the estrogen.

Stephen:  But be aware that there are things you can do actually.

Mark:  Yes. Exactly that. Like Steve says, there’s things you can do to stop increasing it like BPA-free bottles and not warming your foods in the microwave in plastic. But also how else should you? Like taking Resveratrol, taking DIM.

Stephen:  Broccoli. Broccoli is particularly shown to be very effective. And also, what’s the other one that detoxes? We always forget this.

Mark:  It is in salads.

Stephen:  We’ve spoken about it before.

Mark:  Oh gosh! It always slips. It’s actually the most…

Stephen:  It’s quite bitter-tasting.

Mark:  Estrogen-detoxifying. A small herb thing.

Stephen:  Anyway, it will come to me. It always does.

Mark:  Right. So then, a lot of people ask about supplements that have been shown to be helpful. So, fish oil. Omega 3s have been shown to be helpful in being anti-cancer. And also, Vitamin D3. Again, being shown to be anti-cancer. So, they’re two things. So oily fish is a good way of getting Omega 3s. But if you don’t eat fish and you don’t eat an enormous amount of oily fish, then Omega 3 supplements would be the way to go. Vitamin D3 is the thing that you get from the sun.

Now, obviously, there’s not that much sun around. Certainly not this year anyway. Plus, most people aren’t able to actually get out in the sun properly for – I mean, the problem I think being, it doesn’t actually have to be long. It’s not like you have to go and burn yourself in the sun. 15 minutes has a really large impact on the amount of D3 you have. However, we’re never able to get a sustained period of good weather that will allow us to actually have a decent level of Vitamin D3. So you can supplement that. It’s not very expensive at all. You can just supplement that daily and that has a big impact. There’s a lot of studies that show that it’s very anti-cancer.

Stephen:  So, I think we should close. I mean, there are a few other things that you are able to do, and maybe we’ll do another follow-up podcast another time. But I think the biggest one that we really wanted to get across was that studies show that those that eat more vegetables and fruits are much more less likely to get cancer than those that eat less. So 13 servings of vegetables and fruits would be what you’re looking for. Now, obviously, as we said, most of that should come from green cruciferous vegetables and a little bit from things like blueberries and the lower glycemic types of fruits. Now if you’re not able to get that amount, really seriously look into getting a powdered form of greens. Basically, the powdered form of vegetables, which really are very, very beneficial and they’re an easy way that you can actually increase the amount of vegetables that you get in your diet. So, there’s a few other things that I’d probably want to speak about. We’re going to speak about those next time. But, I want you to take from today that there are a lot of things that you can do to avoid and to try and stop yourself and minimize your risk. And if you are or if you know someone that is going through it, then really, following these guidelines would have a big positive impact on them as well. Particularly, the alkalization aspect of the fruits and vegetables. Particularly the vegetables, obviously.

Mark:  Now, I’m just being quiet because I’m just desperately trying to think of that really good anti-estrogen food. And it’s in salads and it would be like rock something. I can’t even remember what it’s called! It’s so annoying. But when I think of it, I’ll put it in the notes. But, if you can help me out, chuck it in the comments below, or I can easily find it out. It’s like rock and something salad, isn’t it? What would it be? What is the one? Sorry to keep you on the line, but I think it’s important to see. It’s a herb and it’s rock something.

Stephen:  It’s not a herb.

Mark:  Well, you know what I mean, but you’d think it’s a herb. Oh, I’ll leave it. But, until next week. Let us know your thoughts, or you can have a – look at our little banner below at the bottom of the podcast about the blog for our free body diagnostic consultation with us. So simply put your name, email and your mobile in there and we’ll be able to bring you to one of the centers, whether you live in Milton Keynes or Bedford and you’ll be able to go on our body fat machine and discuss nutrition and we’ll be able to look in things deeper with you in how to help you lose weight.

So, until next time, we look forward to seeing you. Bye-bye!

Stephen:  Bye-bye.

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