June 11, 2014

{Podcast} 5 Tips To Drop A Dress Size Before Christmas

Fitness, Nutrition



In this podcast, you will learn:

  • 5 things you can do to drop a dress size before the Christmas party season
  • Tip #1 is to only eat real foods or naturally occurring whole foods with only a single ingredient
  • A lot of foods with more than one ingredient have fibre taken out, which is crucial to fat loss
  • Tip #2 is you want to restrict your refined carbohydrate intake
  • Get your carbs from green vegetables and some fruits and steer clear of white processed foods
  • Tip #3 is make sure you’re not eating hidden carbohydrates and sugars
  • Tip #4 is to up your healthy fat intake
  • Fat stabilizes your blood sugar and helps you produce all of the hormones you need
  • Tip #5 is to take out gluten, dairy, soy and corn
  • These are commonly allergenic foods that encourage fat storage, particularly around the stomach area


Mark:  Hello and welcome to another new episode of the podcast. I’m Mark Gray and with me is Stephen.

Stephen:  Hello!

Mark:  Today, we are going to give you some information on how to drop a dress size before the Christmas party season. Obviously, it’s Christmastime or entering into Christmastime and we want to help you if you want to or you’d feel more confident and happy to drop a dress size just before you have to get into your glad rags.

Stephen:  In a healthy way, I should add.

Mark:  In a healthy way. And actually, a way that – it’s not like we want you to drop a dress size, and then put it on at Christmas, which a lot of people do. Actually, the average weight gain over Christmas is 8 pounds. And try not to go – there are a lot of people that after Christmas go, “Oh, I only put on 7 pounds. I’m pretty pleased with that.” Let’s try not to do that. I mean, realistically, what? Christmas is three days? Three full days. And I’ll be eating the world on those days and not worry about weight gain because like we always say, it’s not what you do at Christmas is the issue. It’s what you do between Christmas and…

Stephen:  But also, there are things you can do to limit the damage that those days have on you anyway. And we’ll actually do a separate podcast on how to minimize the damage from all the Christmas gluttony. But like Mark says, a lot of people kind of don’t really think – I mean, you’re looking at it a little bit too simplistically if you say, “Oh, I only put on 7 pounds” or whatever over Christmas because you’re not actually including all the metabolic damage you do to yourself or the insulin resistance and ageing because a lot of sugar and insulin actually ages you. It’s one of the quickest ways to age you.

Mark:  And a good way of seeing that is where people will be – as the years go on, you may put on the same amount of weight as you always have done, but you’ll find, and you’ll be coming out with the comments, “Oh, it’s a lot harder to lose it nowadays!” And it’s not because of your age. Actually, it’s because of the – like Stephen said – the metabolic damage or the insulin resistance you built up by doing that type of smash myself full of holiday food and not worry about it and put on weight, and then try and lose it. And the problem is, is that wouldn’t be so bad if you just did it at Christmas, but most people do it kind of six times a year.

Stephen:  But anyway, we will do a podcast closer to the time on how to minimize the damage done, but we’re going to go over…

Mark:  Well, we want to go over that title, but the reason we’re doing this is because I was browsing Facebook, killing time. Was it that Facebook is the way you lose all your productivity and go into a black hole of not doing much. I think I wanted to go in there for 10 minutes and ended up being on an hour. But anyway, I was reading through lots of statuses. And actually, a couple caught my eye. And that’s why we’re doing this podcast, is because a few ladies were saying that they were trying on their – why is it little black dresses always for Christmas? Women always want to wear a little black dress at Christmastime. But anyway, they were trying on their dresses and they were just on their Facebook status and in their comments, they were saying how they would feel much better if they could have got the size smaller. So this is why we are doing this podcast.

Stephen:  Yes! So, we’re going to go through 5 quick tips you can use straight away. If you just follow these 5 things, you will lose at least a dress size by Christmas, if not more. Now, number 1, is to only eat real foods. So, what do I mean by that? I actually mean ditch anything that comes with a gazillion different ingredients. Anything that comes in a packet that’s been processed, it’s been changed, that’s not like it is in its natural form. So if you’re getting stringy cheese, for example, that’s not natural. And you want to stick to whole foods that have basically – think of it this way – have one ingredient. So, things like nuts, good quality meat, fish…

Mark:  Avocado.

Stephen:  Vegetables, avocado, olive oil. All those things are just one basic ingredient. They’re mostly pretty much in their natural form. I mean, you’ll argue that olive oil, for example, isn’t, that it’s been slightly changed, but olives would be another one. Basically, naturally occurring whole foods. And if you were to only eat those types of food, I guarantee you’d actually lose fat. And most of the time, our bodies have a very good mechanism of not overeating, which is called “being full.” And unless we kind of ignore that feeling, which to be fair, a lot of foods teach us to do, such as too much sugar and things like that. But if we were to stick to eating those types of food, you will lose fat, I guarantee it. So that is the first tip.

Mark:  Well, also, we want to perhaps give a bit of context on why you want to have single ingredient foods. Because a lot of foods with more than one ingredient have fibre taken out. And fibre is one of the most important nutrients.

Stephen:  Well, fat loss – what do we call it? Fibre is a fat loss…

Mark:  Nutrient?

Stephen:  Food, food. Well, it’s part of food anyway. Basically, like Mark says, naturally occurring foods will have a lot of fibre in them naturally. Whereas, when you get processed foods, they tend to have taken out the fibre. So, if you stick to, like I said, good quality meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and healthy fats, you will lose fat.

Mark:  Exactly. So, look on the package. If it’s got more than one ingredient, you pretty much know to stay clear and go for things with a single ingredient. So, number 2. Tip number 2 is you want to restrict your refined carbohydrate intake. So, a lot of people talk about, “Oh, I’m on a low carb diet or a no carb diet,” and they’re not. You get carbs from different sources. And actually, the whole thing with weight loss and getting back into that or dropping that dress size is that you want to be having less refined carbohydrates. And that’s the difference. It’s not no carbohydrates. It’s refined carbohydrates. Because they pretty much do nothing for you apart from making you store fat. And the refined carbs are things like white pasta. The white foods.

Stephen:  Potatoes.

Mark:  Potatoes. The white foods. So, you can pretty much see that most natural single ingredient foods have color. Whereas the refined things have the color taken out. So that’s, like I say, pasta, white rice…

Stephen:  Potatoes.

Mark:  Potatoes. Those types of things.

Stephen:  So, if you stick to getting your carbohydrates from vegetables and some select fruits such as berries, pomegranate or kiwi, you’re going to be 100% on the right track. I mean, that’s what people don’t realize, that vegetables have carbohydrate. It’s just they’re very fibrous. Fruit is also a form of carbohydrate. Again, it’s important that you choose the fruit that has the most fibre. So try and steer away from thick-skinned fruits such as bananas. And really, just limit yourself to berries, pomegranates or kiwis. It’s a good kind of rule there as well.

Mark:  So, just make that a rule. Just your average day should be made up of those types of foods and not the white refined.

Stephen:  And predominantly, actually green vegetables. Just think about just you can’t overeat vegetables. No one ever put on any fat from having too much broccoli. And actually, one of the easiest and simplest ways to lose fat is literally just to increase the amount of green vegetables you have. For most people, you can triple it or quadruple it and it still wouldn’t be too much.

Mark:  And just a side note, don’t leave broccoli in a pot in your car for a few days because it is one of the worst smelling things ever. That and cabbage is shocking if you leave it to ferment in a box. Just a little side tip there.

Stephen:  Good to hear. Okay. So, number 3 is – well, this is kind of a – how do I say it? Reverse. So a way of dropping that dress size is to make sure you’re not eating hidden carbohydrates. So be aware of everything you’re eating. For example, some people don’t realize it. I mean, if someone’s having yoghurt, for example, Greek yoghurt. They won’t realize it, it can be sweetened and there’s a lot of actual sugar in there as well.

Mark:  Actual sugar.

Stephen:  So actual sugar. So you want to be aware of everything you’re eating and actually be aware that there’s nothing in there that you don’t want to be having, such as sugar. So a lot of foods nowadays, I mean, the food companies are very smart. They’ll hide a lot of different things and you have to just be aware and to take it upon yourself to make sure you know exactly what you’re having.

Mark:  A good, quick example of this and a way that you might be having hidden sugar and things like that is like last night, I was having a kind of dessert, a little treat. My girlfriend got me – we had full fat Greek yoghurt and I wanted blueberries. And she said, “How come you don’t want honey in it to sweeten it?” Obviously, I said no. I just had the blueberries. The blueberries were sweetened enough. But the honey, if you’re having honey, and you probably wouldn’t even think about what you’d had the night before, that would be the kind of thing that would be detrimental towards dropping that dress size. So you want to just make sure, like I say, stick to those types of fruits – the berries, the pomegranate. That kind of thing.

Stephen:  I think this must be the reason…

Mark:  And the full fat.

Stephen:  And the difference of our physiques, the extra little cheeky things you have in the evening.

Mark:  Okay. So that’s bad for you, is it?

Stephen:  Well, you said it was a treat.

Mark:  The full fat yoghurt. Yeah, but for me that’s a treat.

Stephen:  Oh, okay. Yeah. So… [Laughs] We were just about to have a little fight. We stopped ourselves. So we’re moving on to number 4, tip number 4. Which is, Mark?

Mark:  It would be – I’m actually going to derail from what you’d planned. I’m going to go up your fat intake.  So a lot of people are still shying away from fat. And fat is one of the main things that stabilizes your blood sugar, one of the main things that helps you produce all of the hormones you need. And if you’re getting the right types of fat – coconut oil, avocado, olive oil on cold foods – then you will find it a lot easier to lose fat and drop that dress size than if you’re not. And certainly, for females of 40 years and over, it’s very, very important because most of you have spent at least a few years of trying to eat low fat because that used to be the fad. And then, kind of doctors actually used to recommend it a few years ago. It’s now been accepted that’s wrong and you want to be making sure you get good amounts of healthy fat.

Stephen:  Okay. So, I think this is tip number 5 now because we added an extra one. Now, I think this is one most people kind of heard about, but they tend not to do properly, which is take out gluten, dairy, soy and corn. So these are commonly allergenic foods for people, which will mean by having them, you’re actually going to encourage your body to store fat, particularly around your stomach area. And what you need to do is actually take those foods out.

So like I said, I’ll repeat, you’re going to go take out gluten, dairy, soy and corn, and you’re going to see how you feel. But it will take about two to three weeks for you to actually know how you feel. By taking those foods out, you will, I guarantee again, you’ll lose fat particularly from around your stomach, but you’ll also be able to carry on and continue losing fat because if you’re eating foods that you’re intolerant to, you’ll actually store more body fat and you’ll find it a lot harder to lose fat. So simply by taking those types of foods out of your normal, everyday diet, you will lose fat, and easily, I guarantee, easily lose a dress size by Christmas easily.

Mark:  Now, I wanted to interject just quickly because I remembered, we had a couple of recommendations on iTunes. You can leave recommendations. We’re not able to write replies, unfortunately. iTunes doesn’t allow it. But, we appreciate every comment. And I appreciate, actually, if you could go there now. If you’re listening on iTunes or if you’re on the computer, if you could go to our The DoubleVision Conditioning Centre on iTunes and leave a recommendation, a little comment, I’d very much appreciate it. So the last two ones were from Jane and Sean. Thank you very much. 5 star reviews! So if you could go along and do that, I’d very much appreciate it.

Stephen:  So yeah. We’ve been through 5 different tips you can do. And actually, each one of those is powerful enough by itself in my opinion to have a really big impact on your quest to kind of drop a dress size before Christmas and it will really make a difference. But if you combined all 5, you’ll easily lose at least one dress size, if not more, by Christmas season, which is only 6 weeks away?

Mark:  Something like that. It’s very close.

Stephen:  Yeah.

Mark:  And you start thinking about Christmas shopping. So, if you have any questions, if you want any more tips on – and you don’t have to be a client of ours. You don’t have to be coming to any of the DoubleVision Conditioning Centres. You could be across – we have listeners in America, we have listeners in Thailand as well, actually, randomly. Just leave a comment on the blog and we’ll answer you straight off. Any more comments, Stephen?

Stephen:  No. I look forward to hearing how you do doing those things we discussed.

Mark:  This is Mark and Steve from!

Stephen:  Bye-bye.

Mark:  Bye-bye.

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