August 12, 2014

Northampton Personal Trainer Explains Not All Exercise Is Equal

Exercise, Weight loss

Exercise and fat loss are often thought of as the same. It is common misconception that any old type of exercise will help fat loss. This is only partly true. It is far from the whole story.

Whilst it is true any type of exercise will burn calories. It is also true that certain forms of exercise burn more fat during exercise and also create metabolic changes that will make you better at burning fat when you aren’t exercising explains Northampton Personal Trainer.

This can mean you are more efficient. Who wouldn’t rather be burning fat throughout the day rather than just in the 30 to 40 minutes of exercise they do a day.Northampton Personal Trainer explains not all exercise is equal for fat loss

In addition to this, certain types of exercise have also been shown to make it far more likely that you will suffer with sugar cravings or be more hungry generally.

The shorter but more intense the exercise generally speaking the more fat will be burned and the less cravings you will have.


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