September 20, 2014

How Often Should I Eat?

Health, Nutrition

There are quite a few different opinions on this. Some people say you should eat when you are hungry. However, the important thing to realize is that your body is very good at adapting, so if you do not eat, your body will ramp down or decrease your metabolism which will make you less hungry.

Having a lower metabolism, as most people actually now realise, is not very good for fat loss. It's actually very good for fat gain because everything that you do eat will then far more likely be stored as body fat.


So optimally, you want to make sure that you are eating roughly every three to four hours, having some form of food to actually stabilize your blood sugar and to keep your metabolism working.

Realise that when you don't eat for a long period of time, your body will actually make sure that you become less hungry, so if you do that over a period of time then it's no wonder that a lot of people can get away with just having one or two meals a day and still put on body fat.

Now this applies to the fad of the 5:2 diet or intermittent fasting. We are very much of the opinion that you should do something you are able to do for the rest of your life and I don't think anybody even me and perhaps even the so called intermittent fasting gurus would say that you are going to be intermittent fasting or skipping whole days of food for the rest of your life.

So simply put, if you just have a high amount of protein, a good amount of healthy fat and lots of fibrous vegetables in most of your meals, you will be able to sustain that for the rest of your life and look how you want to look and be as healthy as you possibly can be.

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