January 26, 2016

DVCC Flat Belly Friday Workout – Ab Workout



On today’s new episode on The DoubleVision Conditioning Centre you’ll learn:

  • A workout designed to focus on the stomach muscles to get that flat belly
  • Two concurrent exercises for the stomach muscles
  • The Sprinter Sit-Up
  •  The Front Plank
  • Do four sets of each exercise
  • There will be a lot of muscle soreness initially



This is Stephen and Mark from

The place to be for fat loss and toning advice.

Now, today we’re carrying on with our series of “DVCC Flat Belly Friday Workouts.”

Now, obviously, as it says, this is a workout designed to focus on your stomach muscles to try and get that flat belly on a Friday because it’s the weekend.

You may be going out, you know. Going out to party, and you want a flat belly. This workout is really going to focus on those muscles.

So, we’re going to demonstrate two different exercises that you’re going to do concurrently, and Mark is going to demonstrate them both.

So, the first one, you’re going to be lying on your back, Mark.

I think the name of this – and I’ve been doing this exercise a lot recently – is a Sprinter Sit-Up.

Let me just hide Mark’s belly in case it’s not flat and you’re thinking he’s not been doing enough of these exercises.

What you’re going to do is lift one leg and come up with the opposite arm. So, as Mark demonstrates, just one opposite arm.

That’s it as he did it. He did it incorrectly on that previous one there. Good. That’s perfect. And you’re going to come up. Go a bit slow, Mark. So if you can see, nice and smoothly.

Now, if you want to regress if this is a bit too tough, you’re going to bend your knee, and then come up.

So you’ll find that bending your knee is a little bit easier. So there, and slowly. And if you find it really tough, we’re going to aim for about 15 repetitions.

So that’s 15 each side, so that’s 30 overall. But what you can do if you want to regress that is just drop it down to 10, and then build up.

So as you see, he’s really making sure that he crunches up and rotates.

It’s a really, really good exercise. Sprinters, if you ever watch Olympic sprinters, they tend to do this sort of exercise. And if you ever look at their stomachs, they’re super flat, aren’t they?

So, after he’s done his 15 repetitions, overall – so 30 repetitions, so it’s 15 on each side – he’s going to go over and he’s going to go straight into a Front Plank.

Now, a lot of people do front planks incorrectly. So what we’re looking to do is we are to put a broom on his back, it would sit nice and flat.

So it would touch in three points – there, there and there. So his head needs to drop down a little bit. And this is why it’s always useful to have someone there to tell you how your position is because it’s very easy to lose track of where your body is.

So, the stomach’s nice and tight. You’re thinking he’s putting into there. If you can squeeze your bum and you keep your head nice and tight. So head down a little bit for Mark, and we’re going to hold this position for 30 seconds.

And what you’ll find is this is really tough. If you think you’re very good at planks – yeah, you’ll start shaking. If you think you’re very good at planks, you’ll find that just doing that exercise beforehand, those Sprinter Sit-Ups, this would make this exercise really, really tough. So, relax there, Mark.

What you’re going to do is you’re going to do that for, like I said, 30 seconds or until you can’t actually do it anymore. If you can’t make 30 seconds, that’s fine.

And then you’re going to break for 45 seconds and you’re going to repeat. So you’re going to do that four different times.

So four sets. So you can do Sprinter Sit-Ups for 30 reps overall. Then straight into a Front Plank for 30 seconds. Rest for 45 seconds. Repeat four times.

Now, what you’re going to find is that will really, really challenge those stomach muscles and probably create a lot of soreness over the next few days, but then you’ll know that you’ve been working those muscles because the stomach muscles are the same as any other body part.

You need to work them to get them more toned and more tight. So, we’d love to hear how you go on this workout.


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